Bachelor’s degree from a regular university, majoring in Software Engineering (Distant Major) (College Connection)
Software technology
– Learner target:
Learners who have graduated from College in the right major of training in the regular system
– Admission conditions:
According to the current regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the training regulations of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh
– Program structure:
General education knowledge: 6 credits
- Accounting principles
- Statistics applied in economics and business
Professional education knowledge: 63 credits
Basic industry knowledge
- Mathematics used in Informatics
- Information technology facility
- Programming base
- Database
- Data structures and algorithms
- Internet
Specialized knowledge
- Object Oriented Programming
- Desktop Application Development
- Web Application Development
- Mobile application development
- Design the theme
- System design analysis
- Software technology
- Software quality assurance and control
- Information technology project management
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine learning
- Data mining
- Technology and innovation
- Service-oriented software architecture
- Cloud computing
- Smart management support system
- ERP in purchasing and distribution management
- Ecommerce
- Information security
Internship/Graduate: 10 credits
Thesis/Business Semester
Total credits: 79 credits