Bachelor of Science in Data Science (Standard Program)


Data Science

Data Science bachelor training program mastering basic knowledge and expertise; have the ability to organize and perform tasks within the jurisdiction of a specialist or manager in the field of data science from planning, collecting, storing, preprocessing, selecting models, tools to analyze data and apply the results to solve problems in business and management, etc. Besides, students always improve their professional knowledge, improve their skills, and be connected. closely with many related organizations and businesses in order to keep abreast of reality, continuously update the latest standards and technologies to improve quality, increase competitiveness and integration, and respond in a good way. the ever-increasing needs of society.

Admission registration code: 7480109

Selection combination: A00, A01, D01, D07 (Math coefficient 2)

– Learner target:

Learners have graduated from high school.

– Admission conditions:

According to the current regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the training regulations of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh

– Program structure:

General education knowledge: 48 credits

  • Marxist-Leninist philosophy
  • Marxist-Leninist political economy
  • Science socialism
  • History of the Communist Party of Vietnam
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought
  • Foreign Language
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomic
  • Mathematics for Economics and Administration
  • Statistics applied in economics and business
  • Business law
  • Accounting principles
  • Soft skills
  • Start a business
  • Data Science

Professional education knowledge: 63 credits

Industry Basic Knowledge

  • Mathematical statistics
  • EconometricFinancial math
  • Math used in Informatics
  • Information technology base
  • Programming base
  • Database
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Business analysis
  • Business Intelligence
Specialized knowledge
  • Programming data analysis
  • Natural language processing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Data mining
  • Data visualization
  • High performance computing
Elective specialized knowledge
  • Business Finance
  • Basic Marketing
  • Big data and applications
  • Consumer behavior
  • Customer relationship management
  • Technology and innovation
  • Global supply chain management
  • Digital Marketing

Internship and Graduation: 10 credits

Total credits: 121 credits

– Standard output:

  • Understand and apply knowledge of mathematics and statistics to interpret the nature of socioeconomic relationships
  • Theoretical understanding of data science application models in organizations
  • Analyze and apply technological methods and processes to build data science applications into the organization’s business and management practices
  • Understand advanced data analysis methods that adapt to industry and application field developments
  • Basic understanding of economic, political, social and legal theories in studying, researching and solving practical problems in Vietnam
  • Understand the information technology infrastructure that underpins the development of data science applications in the organization
  • Understand, analyze, and evaluate in-depth theories of planning, collecting, processing, storing, selecting data models, and evaluating data science applications in organizations
  • Basic understanding of the economic environment and management systems in the organization
2. Skill
  • Master data analysis tools and techniques to solve business and management problems
  • Mastering the use of data analysis tools and techniques to exploit and analyze business data
  • Proficient in the planning, analysis, design, collection, processing, storage, data modeling, and product evaluation of data science applications
  • Ability to adapt and know how to flexibly use data analysis tools
  • Mastering teamwork skills
  • Mastering the ability to communicate, work with foreign experts, and participate in building and developing data science tools for domestic and foreign companies
  • Establish foreign language ability as prescribed: TOEIC 500 or higher certificate or equivalent (English) or DELF B1 level (French), for students of French department who reach DELF B2 level (LO11)
3. Degree of autonomy and responsibility
  • Ability to behave responsibly towards self, work, profession and society; disciplined, cooperative, creative and professional at work
  • Ability to behave and responsibility in teamwork and guide and supervise others in the group to perform assigned tasks
  • Appreciate values and have good moral character in work and life
  • Ability to absorb future technology trends and innovation
  • Ability to plan, coordinate, manage resources, evaluate and improve performance in Data Science activities

In addition to the above output standards, graduates meet the following output standards in foreign language, informatics, physical education, and defense education:

  • Having foreign language ability at level 3/6 Vietnam’s Foreign Language Competency Framework, reaching TOEIC 500
  • Acquired IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
  • Obtained a Certificate of Physical Education
  • Acquired National Defense Education Certificate

– Job opportunities:

1. Domestic and foreign enterprises:   Professionals/Staff/Experts:

  • Data processing
  • Data analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Big data
  • Specialist in big data collection, preprocessing and management; the calculation specialist; design specialists, data visualization; Data science project manager
2.Domestic and foreign enterprises Professionals/Employees
  • Data science applications
  • Data Management Specialist who researches and applies data science solutions in business and management
3.Colleges and universities Lecturers in charge of subjects in data science majors in Computer Science